The long row to hoe

From the Blog

The long row to hoe

Admiral Invincible has been taking longer than I originally expected but I’m still plugging away. Up to 84k and still in the middle of a big battle.

I’ll get there.

In other news sales for the Painting have finally died down but I was surprised to see just how much The Blooding sales popped up after it got going. That was fun.

Also every one of my books is back up on amazon kindle exclusive, I was getting more borrows than I was sales on those other sites. So I said what the heck and decided to put it back up there and now you guys can lend them around again.

My brother’s popping up lots of books and I’m doing the slow and steady creep to victory on this one.

Oh and for the future going forward, Chris Nuttal offered to let me write a book in his Imperium Secret Service universe and I’ll probably take him up on it at some point. I’ve known chris (in an online fashion) for more than a decade now and we’ve been talking for a couple years about doing something like that. I think its probably time to pull the trigger.

Anyway not as much to report on Invincible as I would have liked but there you go. I will endeavor to answer any specific questions that aren’t outright spoilers!

Have a blast guys!

The Deposed King


  1. BoneCrushin - June 22, 2014 2:37 pm

    Thanks for the update!

  2. The Deposed King - June 22, 2014 6:24 pm

    Anytime! Just let me know when I’ve been a bit too sluggish keeping everything posted.

    Oh hey FYI – got the whole Spalding short story up on Mult-Sector Patrol Fleet on my facebook group, not just the half I posted over on this site a while back. If anyone is interested. Its called The Locker.

    The Deposed King

  3. BoneCrushin - June 24, 2014 11:12 am

    Right on, wondered how that was gonna end.

  4. Bob - June 27, 2014 3:48 pm

    Please post more often.

  5. The Deposed King - June 27, 2014 6:53 pm

    I’ll try. Currently up to 103k on the book.

    The Deposed King


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