8/19/2012 – Update

From the Blog

8/19/2012 – Update

Well for the week ending 8/18/2012 sales = 367.  That’s around 52.4 sales per day.  Down 12 sales from last week and up 20 from the week before.  So maybe we’ve found a level.

Earned around $128.00 for the week according to Amazon.   So the Who? keeps on performing!

As for the Gambit?  As I may have already mentioned already through with the first editing pass, brother is working on the second pass and then we’ll go through it together for the 3rd.  Probably won’t be this week, as I’ve got lots of 16 hour double shifts lined up on the day job.

Still on pace for a September release.

Be well!

The Deposed King


  1. Martin Lux - August 20, 2012 7:38 am

    Are these the overall numbers for all of amazon or only for Amazon.com? I for example bought my exemplar via Amazon.de. Can’t wait for the next one and I agree with those that say that a book of this magnitude and quality should be a bit more expensive. I would have paid up to $5 for it.

  2. The Deposed King - August 20, 2012 10:07 am

    All of Amazon.

    Glad you enjoyed the book!

    The Deposed King


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