Admiral’s Revenge (A Spineward Sectors Novel:)

Admiral’s Revenge (A Spineward Sectors Novel:)

Admirals Revenge Descriptions

Spineward Sectors Series Book Five: Admiral’s Revenge

Fresh out of prison and with their wounds only partially healed, Vice Admiral Jason Montagne & Co. have one thing on their minds:


But with their beloved Lucky Clover in the hands of the real Tyrant of Cold Space, devising a plan of attack that doesn’t equate to suicide will be the tallest order in the history of the Little Admiral’s command.

Determined not to repeat the mistakes which had so dearly cost those who followed him, Jason first must determine who he really can trust before tracking down his nemesis for their final showdown. But strained relations with the Easy Haven crew, an increasingly scatter-brained Chief Engineer, and the prolonged absence of his wife, the Lady Akantha, may prove to be insurmountable obstacles for our Little Admiral.

Will the plucky Multi-Sector Patrol Fleet rise to the challenge, or will they be consumed by their Admiral’s all-consuming desire for a double-serving of revenge?

One way or another, this particular dish will be served extra cold.

Admirals Revenge Product Details

File Size: 1336 KB
Print Length: 543 pages
Simultaneous Device Usage: Unlimited
Publisher: Pacific Crest Publishing; 1.02 edition (November 16, 2013)
Sold by: Amazon Digital Services, Inc.
Language: English
Text-to-Speech: Enabled
Word Wise: Not Enabled
Lending: Not Enabled