Admiral Invincible

Admiral Invincible

Admiral Invincible Product Description

Another day, another set of problems for the Spineward Sectors’ youngest Admiral.
Fresh off the battle of Aqua Nova, Admiral Montagne & Co. find themselves navigating uncharted waters, surrounded by ‘allies’ who seemingly have little interest in the Multi-Sector Patrol Fleet — or the safety of its people.
Determined to avoid having his people used as human shields in the fast-approaching final conflict with the Droid Tribes, the Little Admiral will have to dig deep into his bag of tricks to have even a prayer of coming out ahead when the final tally is made.
But with a parricidal cousin and mutinous former First Officer off negotiating an unthinkable truce on his behalf; an increasingly depressed and bitter Chief Engineer grappling with his place in the universe; a wife who seems to think this is the ideal time for a momentous, life-changing event to take place; and a ramshackle fleet with far less throw weight than he would have liked to take into battle — one that’s manned by a severely undertrained crew — what could possibly go wrong?
It’s all just another day at the office for the intrepid crew of the MSP.

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Admiral Invincible Product Details

  • File Size: 671 KB
  • Print Length: 458 pages
  • Simultaneous Device Usage: Unlimited
  • Publisher: Pacific Crest Publishing; 1.0 edition (January 22, 2015)
  • Sold by: Amazon Digital Services, Inc.
  • Language: English
  • Text-to-Speech: Enabled
  • X-Ray:
  • Word Wise: Not Enabled
  • Lending: Not Enabled